MATLAB: For loop for function values

for loops

Hey everyone,
I've been trying to improve my coding lately with for loops, but I'm sturggling to figure this one out.
Here's the original code. BW2_BW refers to an image and the row's all refer to image coordinates.
R1 = imcrop(BW2_BW, [row_1]);
R2 = imcrop(BW2_BW, [row_2]);
R3 = imcrop(BW2_BW, [row_3]);
R4 = imcrop(BW2_BW, [row_4]);
R5 = imcrop(BW2_BW, [row_5]);
stats_BW_R1 = regionprops(R1,'Centroid');
stats_BW_R2 = regionprops(R2,'Centroid');
stats_BW_R3 = regionprops(R3,'Centroid');
stats_BW_R4 = regionprops(R4,'Centroid');
stats_BW_R5 = regionprops(R5,'Centroid');
This is what I'm trying to do:
for k = 1:5
stats_BW_R(k) = regionprops(R(k),'Centroid');
I basically want k to replicate values 1:5 to replace what my original code did. What am I doing wrong?

Best Answer

stats_BW_R = cell(1,5);
for k = 1:5
R = imcrop(BW2_BW, rows{k}); % rows = [row_1,...row_5]
stats_BW_R{k} = regionprops(R,'Centroid');