MATLAB: Fmincon stoped, converged to infeasible point

converged to infeasible pointfmincon

Emergency call for help!!!! Hi there, friends in MATLAB community. Code below is from a piece of my assignment whose due is at 8 hours later. I really appreciate if any of you could give some help or advise. Thank you so much!!!!!

Best Answer

fmincon is strictly a local minimizer. If there is a local minima near your starting point then its gradient based methods will typically get stuck there. There are no fmincon options you can use that will change that: it is inherent in the algorithm used. In your case the local minima is outside of the lb ub you have configured.
You have three choices:
  1. change the lb and ub
  2. use a different x0 in hopes that it finds a minima in range
  3. use a different minimizer such as fminsearch which is less prone to getting caught in local minima (but can happen). However implementing lb and ub in fminsearch in particular is not easy.
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