MATLAB: Converged to an infeasible point.

constraint toleranceconverged to an infeasible pointfminconoptimization problemstepsize

can someone help me with this problem?
Thats my optimization problem
if f_lag > 0 % decision braking or driving mode
fun =@(x) (A/SOC_1)*abs(x(1))+(A/SOC_2)*abs(x(2))+(A/SOC_3)*abs(x(3))+(A/SOC_4)*abs(x(4))+d_delay_1-(SW_1+x(5))+d_delay_2-(SW_2+x(6))+d_delay_3-(SW_3+x(7))+d_delay_4-(SW_4+x(8));
fun =@(x) ((B*M_reg_1)/SOC_1)*(1/x(1))+((B*M_reg_2)/SOC_2)*(1/x(2))+((B*M_reg_3)/SOC_3)*(1/x(3))+((B*M_reg_4)/SOC_4)*(1/x(4))+d_delay_1-(SW_1+x(5))+d_delay_2-(SW_2+x(6))+d_delay_3-(SW_3+x(7))+d_delay_4-(SW_4+x(8));
x0 = [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1];
A = [];
b = [];
Aeq = [0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0; 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0; 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0];
if f_lag==1
if (SOC_dif1 < 0.15) % state of charge of one actor is really low, actor is only used for steering %during driving mode

%SOC_krit = 0.15
Aeq(6,1) = 1;
if (SOC_dif2 < 0.15) % state of charge of one actor is really low, actor is only used for steering %during driving mode
Aeq(6,2) = 1;
if (SOC_dif3 < 0.15) % state of charge of one actor is really low, actor is only used for steering %during driving mode
Aeq(6,3) = 1;
if (SOC_dif4 < 0.15) % state of charge of one actor is really low, actor is only used for steering %during driving mode
Aeq(6,4) = 1;
beq = [d_1-SW_1, d_2-SW_2, d_3-SW_3, d_4-SW_4, 0, 0];
if flag > 0 %if it is possible the regenerative braking torque is the limit
if (Fx_v-sum(Fx(i),(1:4)) == 0) && (Fy_v-sum(Fy(i),(1:4)) == 0) && (Mz_v-sum(Mz(i),(1:4)) == 0) %if it is not possible to follow the target trajectory the maximum of the manual braking is used
% max. regenerative braking torque
lb = [-M_reg_1/r_dyn_1, -M_reg_2/r_dyn_2, -M_reg_3/r_dyn_3, -M_reg_4/r_dyn_4, d_min_vl-SW_1, d_min_vr-SW_2, d_min_hl-SW_3, d_min_hr-SW_4]; %d and betato the left side are positive, to the right side are negative %regenerative braking torque must be positive
% mechanical braking
lb = [FxB_max, FxB_max, FxB_max, FxB_max, d_min_vl-SW_1, d_min_vr-SW_2, d_min_hl-SW_3, d_min_hr-SW_4]; %d and betato the left side are positive, to the right side are negative %FxB_max is negative
end % close conditions for braking loop, max braking torque is positive
%driving mode
lb = [P_min_1, P_min_2, P_min_3, P_min_4, d_min_vl-SW_1, d_min_vr-SW_2, d_min_hl-SW_3, d_min_hr-SW_4];
ub = [P_max_1/(r_dyn_1*w_1), P_max_2/(r_dyn_2*w_2), P_max_3/(r_dyn_3*w_3), P_max_4/(r_dyn_4*w_4), d_max_vl-SW_1, d_max_vr-SW_2, d_max_hl-SW_3, d_max_hr-SW_4];
nonlcon = @circlecon;
x = fmincon(fun,x0,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub,nonlcon);
with this following nonlinear constraints
function [c,ceq] = circlecon(x)
ceq =[Fy_v-sin(d_1)*x(1)-cos(d_1)*x(5)*c_w+sin(d_2)*x(2)-cos(d_2)*x(6)*c_w+sin(d_3)*x(3)-cos(d_3)*x(7)*c_w+sin(d_4)*x(4)-cos(d_4)*x(8)*c_w; Mz_v-(-w_vl)*(cos(d_1)*x(1)-sin(d_1)*x(5)*c_w)+w_vr*(cos(d_2)*x(2)-sin(d_2)*x(6)*c_w)-w_hl*(cos(d_3)*x(3)-sin(d_3)*x(7)*c_w)+w_hr*(cos(d_4)*x(4)-sin(d_4)*x(8)*c_w)+l_v*(sin(d_1)*x(1)-cos(d_1)*x(5)*c_w+sin(d_2)*x(2)-cos(d_2)*x(6)*c_w)-l_h*(sin(d_3)*x(3)-cos(d_3)*x(7)*c_w+sin(d_4)*x(4)*c_w-cos(d_4)*x(8)*c_w); Fx_v-(x(1)/cos(d_1))-c_w*sin(d_1)*x(5)+(x(2)/cos(d_2))-c_w*sin(d_2)*x(6)+(x(3)/cos(d_3))-c_w*sin(d_3)*x(7)+(x(4)/cos(d_4))-c_w*sin(d_4)*x(8)];
c = [];
but I get the error
Converged to an infeasible point.Converged to an infeasible point.
fmincon stopped because the size of the current step is less than
the value of the step size tolerance but constraints are not
satisfied to within the value of the constraint tolerance.
<stopping criteria details>
Can someone help me whats the problem?

Best Answer

The initial guess you have chosen
x0 = [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1];
seems very arbitrary. You should devise an initial guess more likely to be close to expected solution values.
Also, your "nonlinear constraints" look very linear to me. Unless I'm mistaken, all the x(i) appear to be coefficients of sine and cosine terms. You should therefore use the Aeq,beq matrices, not the nonlcon input, to express them.
Finally, the abs(x(i)) expressions in your objective function are non-differentiable and will cause problems if any x(i) near zero are searched. Just impose lower bounds x(i)>=0.