MATLAB: Flexible use of fullfile


I have the following line in my script:
roi = spm_select('FPList', fullfile(roi_path), '^RA.*\.mat$');
Depending on the type of image I want to process, sometimes I need to replace RA with either S4RA, S6RA, S8RA etc. In the earlier part of my script, I have an input called Configuration (e.g., Configuration = 'RA'). I intend to use this input to change the type of image when necessary. Could anyone tell me how to work Configuration into the line of script above so that when I change the configuration to say, S4RA, the line above will change accordingly from RA to S4RA without my having to do it manually? I hope this is clear. Thank you!

Best Answer

roi = spm_select('FPList', fullfile(roi_path), ['^' Configuration '.*\.mat$']);
roi = spm_select('FPList', fullfile(roi_path), sprintf('^%s.*\\.mat$', Configuration));
Notice the change from \. to \\. when using sprintf.