MATLAB: Selecting folders in a specific order

folder selectionindex foldersMATLABorderspm

Hi everyone,
I would like to select images from a number of folders. However, the folders have to be selected in a very specific order. What I have is a folder named 'functional' which contains folder epi1, epi2, epi3, epi4, epi5, and epi6. Each of these epi folders contain images I have to process. The function below will select the folders alphabetically (i.e. epi1 then epi2 then epi3, etc). What I want to achieve is to have the folders selected in the following order: epi4, epi5, epi6, epi1, epi2, epi3. Would anyone be able to help me? Here is the function I currently have:
dire_FIX = '/Data2/Test_subject/'
filter_str = 'f'
function P=fun_load_image_data_path(Q,dire_FIX,filter_str)
n = length(Q); % Number of subjects
P = cell(n,1);
for i = 1:n,
dire=[dire_FIX Q{i} '/nifti/WM/functional/']; % go to the functional folder of each subject
lala=dir(dire); % List content of functional folder
ns = length(lala)-2; % To take out the '.' and '..'
if (strcmp(filter_str,'mean')) % if mean BOLD get from the first session
s = 1;
dire1=[dire lala(s+2).name '/'];
P{i}.meanimg =spm_select('FPList',dire1,strcat('^',filter_str,'.*\.nii$'));
for s=1:ns,
dire1=[dire lala(s+2).name '/'];
temp_img = spm_select('FPList',dire1,strcat('^',filter_str,'.*\.nii$'));
for ss=1:length(temp_img),
P{i}.scans{s}{ss,1} = strcat(temp_img(ss,:),',1');
P{i}.path_all{add_i,1} = strcat(temp_img(ss,:),',1');
add_i = add_i+1;
fn_temp = [];
fn_temp = spm_select('FPList', dire1, '^rp.*\.txt$');

Best Answer

Simplest for a limited case such as this is to simply enumerate --
ADDENDUM: Include empty directory test/skip and example generalization to order vector from formula
idx=circshift(1:6,[0 -3]);
dire_FIX = '/Data2/Test_subject';
for i=1:length(dirlist)
if ~(exist(pth,'dir')==7), continue, end
d=dir([pth '*.img']);
for j=1:length(d)
% process file d(j).name here for i-th subdirectory
NB: buiding the former array dynamically now since there is a computable pattern. Choose whatever method is most appropriate to the manner in which the required order is generated. Two possible ways (of many) now been demonstrated...
%dirlist={'epi4'; 'epi5'; 'epi6'; 'epi1'; 'epi2'; 'epi3'};