MATLAB: Fix Extra Space in Figure using xlabel


I am currently trying to prepare some figures for a final draft of my paper. I have generated some data and plotted a histogram using histfit. I then attempt to label the data using xlabel. I then set the size of the histogram to save it.
All well and good. However, when I save the figure using saveas, I have a big space between the m and the 2. As expected, Matlab is interpreting this as LaTeX code and it's appearing as a superscript. However, I'd like to get rid of the space between the m and the 2.
What's strange is that if I save as an eps, I have this problem, but if I save as a pdf I don't. Here's my minimal working example:
xlabel('Measured Area (m^2)')
set(gcf,'Color',[1 1 1],'PaperUnits','inches','PaperSize',hSize,...
'PaperPosition',[0 0 hSize]);
saveas(gcf, [mypath, '/example.eps'],'epsc') %replace mypath with your own path

Best Answer

See if the FEX contribution export_fig can save it correctly for you. It’s gotten great reviews.