MATLAB: Fitting a cilinder to 3D vertices

3d fittingpoint clouds

I am having problems fitting a cylinder to a point cloud. Trying to use "pcfitcylinder", an error saying 'the value of 'ptCloud' is invalid. Expected ptCloud to be a pointCloud object' while the pointcloud is a nx3 created from the vertices of an .stl file. The code is:
cilinder = pcfitcylinder(Bone_model.vertices,maxDistance);
pcshow (Bone_model.vertices);hold on;
Is there anything i'm doing wrong?

Best Answer

stlread() appears to be one of the functions from the File Exchange, probably
The vertices returned by that stlread() function are configured for use by patch(). pcfitcylinder() requires that a pointcloud object be passed in.
You might be able to use
pc = pointcloud(Bone_model.vertices);
[cilinder,inlierIndices] = pcfitcylinder(pc, maxDistance);
cylpc = select(cilinder, inlierIndices);
Note that pcfitcylinder attempts to find a subset of the pointcloud that is in the form of an cylinder.