MATLAB: Fit an Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE) using lsqcurvefit

fit an odelsqcurvefitode45system of ode's

i have a system of 11 ODE's (ode45) and want to fit them to measured data. For that i have 11 variables i want to optimate. My Question:
Additional to the lb and ub in the lsqcurvefot solver, i want a condition for the variables like x(1)+x(2)=5. Is that possible?

Best Answer

Remove parameters x(1) and x(2) from your list and introduce one new variable x(12). From x(12), calculate x1=5*cos^2(x(12)) and x2=5*sin^2(x(12)) and insert x1 and x2 instead of x(1) and x(2) in your ODE system.
If your constraints are more complicated than this one, use "fmincon" instead of "lsqcurvefit".