MATLAB: Finding unique phrases and their frequency in a cell array


I usually deal with numbers but never with text. I have a cell array of phrases(attached the mat file) . I want to know what are these uniques phrases and the frequency of each phrase (how many time it appears). Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

Try this:
D = load('matlab.mat');
nbEmployees = D.nbEmployees;
[uE,~,ix] = unique(nbEmployees);
tally = accumarray(ix, 1);
Out = table(uE, tally, 'VariableNames',{'Phrase','Frequency'})
Out =
13×2 table
Phrase Frequency
______________________________________ _________
{'Between 1,000 and 2,999 employees'} 1
{'Between 100 and 149 employees' } 5
{'Between 15 and 24 employees' } 11
{'Between 150 and 199 employees' } 1
{'Between 200 and 249 employees' } 1
{'Between 25 and 49 employees' } 9
{'Between 250 and 499 employees' } 1
{'Between 5 and 14 employees' } 25
{'Between 50 and 74 employees' } 9
{'Between 500 and 749 employees' } 10
{'Between 75 and 99 employees' } 4
{'I don't know' } 3
{'Under 5 employees' } 70