MATLAB: Finding the upper limit of an integral.

integralupper limit

I wrote a simple code for finding the upper limit of an integral. However, I am receiving the error message of:
Error using fzero (line 306)
FZERO cannot continue because user-supplied function_handle ==> @(x)(fun2-0.05)
failed with the error below.
Undefined function 'minus' for input arguments of type 'function_handle'.
Error in samplecode (line 6)
pLB = fzero(G1,1);
The code I wrote is:
fun = @(x)(8760.*x).^2.*exp(-x.*8760).*lognpdf(x,-5.809,1.4);
den = quadgk(fun,0.00003,0.04);
fun2 = @(x)(1/den).*(8760.*x).^2.*exp(-x.*8760).*lognpdf(x,-5.809,1.4);
G1 = @(x)(fun2 - 0.05);
pLB = fzero(G1,1);
I was wondering why I am receiving this error message. And, what would be the correct way of coding it? Any help will be appreciated.

Best Answer

you are trying to subtract a value from a function handle. Use:
G1 = @(x)(fun2(x) - 0.05);
Best regards