MATLAB: Finding distance between two curves at diffrent points


1.Suppose the curves are defined, how do i find the distance between two curves at diffrent points.
Curve 1= f(x)
curve 2 = g(x)
Do i need to define points on one of the curve to find out the required distance???
For exmple I am posting an image.
Important note-
I need distance at diffrent points between two curves and not single point nor am I looking for minimum distance between curves.
Perpendicular distance from tangent as shown in image.

Best Answer

With use of polyxpoly
x = 0:0.1:10;
y1 = sin(x); % data 1
y2 = sqrt(x); % data 2
% index of point
ix = 70;
x0 = x(ix);
y0 = y2(ix);
% tangent vector
dy = diff(y2(ix:ix+1));
dx = diff(x(ix:ix+1));
% normal vector
xv = [0 dy]*50+x0;
yv = [0 -dx]*50+y0;
% intersection point
[xc,yc] = polyxpoly(xv,yv,x,y1);
hold on
hold off
axis equal