MATLAB: Find similar elements in a matrix

similar numbers

My question is that , I have a matrix, I want to know which element from which columns are similar, which number is the most repeated number for example
X=[1 2 3 3 3
45 7 4 4 4
70 8 5 5 5
88 9 11 11 11
170 205 13 13 13
172 220 14 23 24
194 222 24 24 41
196 224 41 152 67
200 539 62 183 68
250 540 67 184 71
251 1415 68 185 148
255 1426 71 187 151
for example here 3 (repeated in columns 3,4 and5) the same for 4, 5, 1, 13
and the most repeated numbers are 3,4,5,11, and 13

Best Answer

[h1 h2] =hist(X(:),unique(X));
h3 = unique(h1);
h3 = h3(end:-1:1);
for k=1:length(h3)
disp(['There is ' num2str(h3(k)) ': [ ' num2str(h2(h1==h3(k))') ' ]'])