MATLAB: How to sum a group of gaussian distribution using “hist”

histsum of gaussian distributionsum of histtotal values

I want to add five gaussian distributions at different points on x-axis
I try:
H1 = normrnd(14,5,n,1); % generate random numbers of normal distribution at mu and sigma
H2 = 24+ normrnd(14,5,n,1); % start from 24
H3 = 48+ normrnd(14,5,n,1);
H4 = 72+ normrnd(14,5,n,1);
H5 = 96+ normrnd(14,5,n,1);
hhh = [H1 H2 H3 H4 H5];
which produce a good figure as I need:
but I want to plot the total values of the intersected area. (I put a circle on them)
How I can sum them?

Best Answer

One simple possibility is to create one 2500x1 vector of the data rather than the 550x5 array you have, which is as simple as
hhh = [H1; H2; H3; H4; H5];
in place of
hhh = [H1 H2 H3 H4 H5];
If you do that, you will lose the distinct colors of the five histograms. But if you don't do it that way, you will have the problem of coloring the summed histograms, which gets tricky.