MATLAB: Find empty cells in 3D cell

empty cells

I have a 3D cell RowXColXDep (12X125X1216), I want to find the empty cells (which row, column, and depth). I used:
[Row Col Dep] = find(cellfun(@isempty,channelResp));
but it did not work, it works only for 2D cells. Is there a solution for 3D cells?
Thanks in advance

Best Answer

Try this:
[r,c] = find(cellfun(@isempty,channelResp));
[nR,nC,nD] = size(channelResp);
Dep = floor(c/nC-0.0001)+1;
Col = c - nC*(Dep-1);
Row = r;
Let me know if you have doubts.