MATLAB: Find average values in a table

loopsmean valessignal processing

I have a table that is 5×7 (see below), I want MATLAB to choose the first cell from the first row (23.869) and then go to the second row and find the closest number to the number in the first raw, which is 25.861, and then go the third row and find the closest number to the number in the first row and so on to the row number 5 and then I want MATLAB to calculate the average of those numbers. Then I want to repeat the same process on the second cell, third cell, … seventh cell.
How can I do that, any idea?
23.869 111.52 348.59 241.02 167.31 539.84 802.81
111.52 25.861 350.59 241.02 161.33 537.85 0
27.37 350.24 113.41 240.78 181.08 537.33 808
349.27 25.908 237.49 111.74 175.61 539.59 325.32
25.787 113.44 350.51 232.97 537.63 804.73 0

Best Answer

a = randi(10,5,7); % let a be your matrix
closest_all =zeros(1,7);
for i = 1:size(a,2) %first row values,
num = a(1,i); % this will be your 23.869, 111.52, etc...
closest = zeros(1,4);
for j = 2:size(a,1) % from the second row to 5th
row = a(j,:);
[min_val idx] = min(abs(row - num)); %all row elements minus 23.869
closest(j-1) = row(idx); %store the closest value to 23.689, then 111.52,etc...
closest_all(i) = mean(closest); %find the averages of the 4 values.
%closests_all will be a 1x7 vector containing all those averages