MATLAB: Filling Plot Area, Adding Ticks in Mapping with Projections

axesmmappingMapping Toolboxmillerpcolormprojectiontickmarksticksxlimylim;

I'm using pcolorm (of the Mapping Toolbox) with the miller projection to create a global map:
axesm miller
shading flat
grid off
ylabel('Latitude (Degrees North)')
xlabel('Longitude (Degrees East)')
title('My Map')
Where LatVec is a 1xn vector ranging from -90 to 90 degrees, and LonVec is a 1xn vector ranging from -180 to 180 degrees. my2DMap is a 2D matrix containing the data to be plotted (corresponding to the color scale) at each latitude and longitude coordinate. The result can be accessed here:
I'm having 2 issues and would appreciate any help: 1. How do I make the data fit inside the plot area (without white spaces on top and bottom of the map)? I tried used xlim and ylim but they made the map too small to see. 2. How do I add tickmarks correctly on both axes? I tried to set the YTick property but it added 2 ticks on the y axis (1, 2), which are obviously incorrect.
Thanks, David

Best Answer

Even better solution:
If you get the axis handle you can use: setm(ax,'mlabellocation',.2,'plabellocation',.2,'mlinelocation',.2,'plinelocation',.2)