MATLAB: Is it possible to change range and order label to latitude/longitude in an azimuthal projection using Mapping Toolbox

latitude/longitud labelMapping ToolboxMATLABpolar equal-area azimuthal projectionpolarplot function

Hello everyone.
Is my first time trying to use the Mapping Toolbox. I need to do a polar equal-area azimuthal projection. I would like to make something like this (I made this one using polarplot function):
But using the mapping toolbox, this is what I get.
So, I have to change the latitude/longitude labels of latter projection (from Mapping Toolbox) to something similar to the first one (when I did make use of polarplot function). Is it possible to do this with mapping toolbox?. How could I make it?.
Thank you.
PD: This is the code that I'm using with the Mapping Toolbox.
axis off; framem on; gridm on; mlabel on; plabel on
northarrow('latitude', 10, 'longitude', 0);

Best Answer

You may check the Map Axes Properties to control axes appearance and label properties. You can use mlabelzero22pi to change the range of labels to 0-360 degrees. Following code shows addition of two properties to your code and mlabelzero22pi which can fetch a similar look to that of your polar plot:
Hope this helps!