MATLAB: Filled contour no longer creates patch children … what is equivalent for setting the ZData

contourf zdataMATLAB

I have a method for plotting the coastlines under or on top of some 3D scatter data, depending on whether the z levels are depth, pressure, or height. It used to grab the children of the contourf object and set the ZData property – independent of the actual values of the contourf object. This worked great until 2014b (?) and certainly doesn't work for 2015b … I have not tried all versions. Attached is a short example – if you run it with 2014a or before, it works fine. 2015b fails – there are no patch objects generated by the contourf.
I have tried shifting the contourf z data to center the contour at the desired level, that did not work.

Best Answer

There is no equivalent mechanism now :( Parent a contourf() against an hgtransform that uses a translation along the Z axis of the desired Z value. You might need to do that for each distinct Z value.