MATLAB: Fill cylinder inside a matrix

geometrymatrix arraymatrix manipulation

Given a 3d matrix:
vx = 1; % mm

vy = 1; % mm
vz = 1; % mm
nx = 500; %Number of elements in x direction
ny = 500; %Number of elements in y direction
nz = 100; %Number of elements in z direction
x = linspace(-vx/2,vx/2,nx);
y = linspace(-vy/2,vy/2,ny);
z = linspace(-vz/2,vz/2,nz);
[X,Y,Z] = ndgrid(x,y,z);
mat= zeros(size(X)); %Matrix to fill with cyliinders
and 2 random points on the edge of the cube,
How can I make a cylinder of radius R between those 2 points?
I want to fill up the binary matrix with 1 where the cylinder is placed and 0 everywhere else.
Thank you for your help.

Best Answer

Suppose the two end points are r1=[x1,y1,z1], r2=[x2,y2,z2]
[X,Y,Z] = ndgrid(x,y,z);
mat=vecnorm( cross(dXYZ,u) ,2,1 )<=R;