MATLAB: Fedora 27 MATLAB not working


I have installed MATLAB R2017a on Fedora 27 64-bit. There are several errors with MATLAB, first I am unable to launch it without the terminal, second, I am unable to plot 2 numbers nor open figures nor install ANY addons whatsoever. I have attached an image of what error message I get when I try to make a simple plot of 2 variables. Yet, installation is basically the only thing that worked.
When I try to click on "Get more addons", nothing happens, no error messages..
Thank you for your help, Best Regards, Arpad

Best Answer

Dear Fedora 27 MATLAB Users,
I was able to solve the issue by renaming the library in MATLAB`s installation folder, which made MATLAB use the system`s version of the driver instead. Now I am able to plot functions.
The library which had to be renamed (so that MATLAB can`t find it), is located in matlab/sys/os/glnxa64/ .