MATLAB: Extracting data from a text file to a spreadsheet

dataexcelextracttxt file data

I have *.txt files in different folders as shown below;
Main Dir\Sub A\a1.txt, a2.txt, a3.txt......
Main Dir\Sub B\b1.txt, b2.txt, b3.txt......
Main Dir\Sub C\c1.txt, c2.txt, c3.txt......
Each txt file has the same format and has sevaral parameters. Below are just a few…
param: 600
SN number: 2010
Sim method: Low
I need to get these data to an excel spreasheet in below format;
param SN number Sim method
a1 600 2010 Low
a2 700 2011 High
a3 800 2012 Medium
b1 900 2013 High
b2 1000 2014 Low
b3 1100 2015 Low
Appreciate your assistance.

Best Answer

dinfo = dir('Main Dir\*\*.txt');
filenames = fullfile({dinfo.folder}, {});
numfiles = length(filenames);
data = cell(numfiles, 4);
for K = 1 : numfiles
thisfile = filenames{K};
[~, basename, ~] = fileparts(thisfile);
fid = fopen(thisfile);
datacell = textscan(fid, 'param: %f\nSN number: %f\nSim method: %s',1);
data{K,1} = basename;
data{K,2} = datacell{1};
data{K,3} = datacell{2};
data{K,4} = datacell{3}{1};
datatable = cell2table(data, 'VariableNames', {'file', 'param', 'SN number', 'Sim method'});
writetable(datatable, 'OutputFilename.xslx');