MATLAB: Extract Variable/column with variable name from table

MATLABtablevariablevariable name

I don't know how to extract a column with its variable name from a Matlab table.
I want to extract columns and not have to rename them afterwards in order to recreate a similar table bbut with only the column I want.
I need to extract them one at the time and the data types are different from one column to another.
I've tried different ways and read the matlab documentation but haven't found any solution.
Could you please help me? 🙂

Best Answer

In what form do you want the extracted variables to be stored?
A = magic(4);
T = array2table(A) % Variable names A1 through A4
smallerTable1 = T(:, {'A2', 'A4'}) % Smaller table with only two variables

smallerTable2 = T(:, [2 4]) % Smaller table with only two variables
vector1 = T.A2 % Double array, no variable names

vector2 = T{:, {'A2'}} % Double array, no variable names
vector3 = T{:, 2} % Double array, no variable names
If you want to process each variable from your table in turn, but you want to perform the same operation on each, consider using varfun.