MATLAB: Extract values from Nyquist for negative frequencies

complex numbersdiagramextract valuesfrequencyimaginary partnyquistplotreal partstability

is there a way of extracting values (Real part & Imaginary part) from the nyquist plot for the negative frequencies? At the moment I am using the following code:
[re,im,w_h] = nyquist(h);
Re = squeeze(re);
Im = squeeze(im);
This code only gives me the Real- and Imaginary part values for positive frequencies. "w_h" is always postivie even though nyquist also has negative frequencies.
Thanks very much for your help!

Best Answer

The Nyquist plot is symmetric, so the compex cojugate of the output would correspond to the negative frequencies.
[re_pos,im_pos,w_h] = nyquist(h);
re_neg = re_pos;
im_neg = -im_pos;