MATLAB: Creating four arrays from two cell arrays

cell arraysMATLABsort

Hello there,
I have table (79*13). I have 1st column have values from 1-79 named gates and 12th column have mixed values (positive and negative).
I need to plot x = all positive values and corresponding gates in Y axis, similar for all negative values in x-axis and corresponding gate number at Y-axis.
i have extracted positive and negative using sort command.(image attached)
but i don't know how to extract corresponding gate number into array to do plotting?

Best Answer

A = gooddiff;
B = gatenumber;
Now Logical Indexing
pos = A<0;
neg = A>=0;
A_pos = A(pos);
A_neg = A(neg);
B_pos = B(pos);
B_neg = B(neg);
Now you can plot them
for sorting
[A_pos,inda] = sort(A_pos);
[A_neg,indb] = sort(A_neg);