MATLAB: Extract values from a cell based on dates


Hi all,
I have data in 6 separate cells (A, B, C, D, E, F), all which are 365×1. One of these cells (A) contains dates as 'datenum' for a whole 12 months. My question is how can I call/pull/extract data from these cells based on date requirements and get an average. i.e. all of the values on the 10th for each month.
Would it be best to use stack and place them all as a table? I don't have any code for this yet as I don't know where to begin.

Best Answer

Here's another approach
%%Dummy dataset
Date = datetime('2000-01-01')+days(0:364);
Date.Format = 'dd/MMM/yyyy';
Data = rand(numel(Date),5);
%%Data to timetable
TT = timetable(Date',day(Date)',Data)
TT = splitvars(TT)
TT.Properties.VariableNames = {'DayOfMonth','C1','C2','C3','C4','C5'}
TT =
366×6 timetable
Time DayOfMonth C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
___________ __________ _________ __________ __________ _________ _________
01/Jan/2000 1 0.83516 0.64556 0.79434 0.73071 0.068773
02/Jan/2000 2 0.11948 0.47084 0.92745 0.75217 0.19456
03/Jan/2000 3 0.76848 0.28703 0.54273 0.59603 0.94978
%%Mean, std and max with DayOfMonth as grouping variable
[s1,s2,s3] = grpstats(TT.Variables,TT.DayOfMonth,{'mean','std','max'})
%%Monthly average using retime
TT2 = retime(TT,'monthly','mean')
s1, s2 and s3 are matrices with 31 rows representing the selected statistics for each day of the month.