MATLAB: Extract Common and Uncommon Matrix with Row Repetition


I want to segregate common and uncommon matrix with row Repetition. Current matlab commands ismember and setdiff do it by removing repeated rows.
A=[2 3 4;4 1 2;3 5 7;2 8 1;2 3 4;5 5 5;4 1 2;4 1 2; 5 5 5]
B=[2 3 4;4 1 2;2 8 1]
C=[2 3 4;4 1 2;3 5 7] % Not the expected ans
D=[3 5 7; 5 5 5] %Not the expected ans (because no rows repetition).
I want the output with rows repetition. Expected output is
C=[2 3 4;4 1 2;2 8 1;2 3 4;4 1 2;4 1 2] % Common Matrix
D=[3 5 7;2 8 1;5 5 5; 5 5 5]% Uncommon matrix.
How it could be done?

Best Answer

Note that
2 8 1
row is both located at A and B matrices, therefore your D matrix should look like
D=[3 5 7;5 5 5; 5 5 5]