MATLAB: Extract an array from cell with its indexes

cell arraysclusterindexMATLAB

I have a cell array of following type,
clstr= { [] 8 [7,8] [6,8] [6,7] [6,7,8] 5 4 [4,8] [4,7,8] [4,6,7] [4,6,7,8] [4,5] [4,5,8] [4,5,7] }
i have another matrix named ter=[4,5], what i want is to see if clstr has this value and if it has then get the index value of [4,5] from clstr. Which in this case is going to be 13. I have used following command but it doesn't help me with what i need.
can anyone help me please.

Best Answer

>> clstr = {[],8,[7,8],[6,8],[6,7],[6,7,8],5,4,[4,8],[4,7,8],[4,6,7],[4,6,7,8],[4,5],[4,5,8],[4,5,7]};
>> ter = [4,5];
>> idx = find(cellfun(@(m)isequal(m,ter),clstr))
idx = 13