MATLAB: Pad empty spaces in matrix with 0

matrix padding

I have a matrix of the form:
1 4 6 3 7 3
4 6 2 9
5 5 8 2 5
4 8 1 3 9 4
As I accumulated the rows of the matrix from different sources there is a inconsistency in the length of rows. How do I pad the empty spaces with 0? Please help.

Best Answer

Try this:
c1m_wrf = [1 4 6 3 7 3 ]
c2m_wrf = [4 6 2 9]
c3m_wrf = [5 5 8 2 5]
c4m_wrf = [4 8 1 3 9 4 ]
maxLength = max([length(c1m_wrf), length(c2m_wrf), length(c3m_wrf), length(c4m_wrf)])
ca = {c1m_wrf, c2m_wrf, c3m_wrf, c4m_wrf}
m = zeros(4, maxLength);
for row = 1 : length(ca)
thisVector = ca{row};
thisLength = length(thisVector);
m(row, 1:thisLength) = thisVector;
You get
m =
1 4 6 3 7 3
4 6 2 9 0 0
5 5 8 2 5 0
4 8 1 3 9 4