MATLAB: Execute matlab files from C sharp

#cexecutefilematlab functionsharp

Hello everyone,
I am trying to write a simple C sharp program that runs a matlab script. I tried executing the .bat file, passing the argument -r "file.m" but it just opens the matlab GUI without executing the file. I would also like to pass a reference value (in my case the name of a database from which matlab should read while executing the script). How could I do that?
Thanks, mattia

Best Answer

Your -r argument should be the command to execute, such as -r "file" without the .m .
If you also want to pass a reference value, then because it is a script instead of a function, you will need to do so as an assignment, such as
matlab -r "databasename='romulus';file"
Something else you should know when using -r is that it is safer to put in the "quit", and safer yet to ensure that the quit always happens even if there is an error. For example,
matlab -r "try databasename='romulus';file;end;quit"