MATLAB: Running a matlab code through bash script

bashmatlab parallelshell-scriptunix bash

I've a matlab code that needs to be run for different set of "independent" inputs. I want to run the matlab code through unix bash script, and then run the script in multiple computers parallelly to get the speed-up.
I am fairly new to this. Does any of you have any idea on how to go about it?

Best Answer

You need to find your MATLAB command line executable. For Mac it would be /Applications/ . You would invoke it with -nojvm and -nodesktop . With sufficiently new MATLAB releases you might instead prefer to use -batch
/Applications/ -nojvm -nodesktop %older
/Applications/ -batch
You would then follow that on the command line with a -r option and then the quoted command to execute. It is safest to put the command within try/catch if you are not using the -batch command: For example,
/Applications/ -nojvm -nodesktop -r "try; cd('/Appropriate/Place'); AppriopriateFunction(WithParameters);catch; end; quit"
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