MATLAB: Everytime I run the code I keep getting an infinite recursion error. My code is posted below. Can you please help me figure out why it keeps giving me this error

infinite recursion error

It flags me at the y(:, i) = x.^(i)./factorial(i); line below.
function exp = expapprox(x,n)
n = 5;
x = 1:5;
% number of iterations for loop
for i = 1:n
y(:, i) = x.^(i)./factorial(i);
exp = 1+ sum(y);
actexp = exp(x);
plot(actexp, expapprox(x,5))

Best Answer

Your plot statement calls your function expapprox, so it gets into an infinite recursion. You've got another problem as well, since you create a variable named "exp" which is shadowing the MATLAB function of the same name. Pick a different variable name.