MATLAB: Calculate Exponentials WITHOUT built-in exponent function

exponentialsfor loopsMATLABtaylor series

I am new to MATLAB and going in circles trying to logic my way what should be a simple function:
How do I calculate, using a "for" loop, x^k?
My function inputs are ( x, n ); I start with:
% code
ExpValue = 0;
k = 1;
for i = 1:n;
ExpValue = ExpValue + ?
Recall that I must use a Sum for the exponential function… x*1, x*x, x*x*x all the way to squaring x up to n times.

Best Answer

Trying to compute x^n using only summation is a terrible method. Surely you would be allowed to use multiplication!
ExpValue = 1;
for k = 1:n % (Corrected)
ExpValue = ExpValue*x;
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