MATLAB: Errorbars do not have horizontal lines


When I plot the errorbars on my function, I am only getting the vertical lines and the circle at the center. How do I get the horizontal lines at the top and bottom as well??

Best Answer

We need to see the code you use to create your plot. I couldn’t find anything in Errorbarseries Properties that seem to affect the way the error bar horizontal lines are displayed. There seems to be no way to turn them on or off or scale them (not that I’d want to, since I like them the way they are).
They might be there but too small for you to see if your x-data are closely spaced or other data scaling problems are interfering with them. Click on the magnifying glass symbol in the figure window and see if enlarging the figure reveals them. (I recently needed to do this to be sure the arrowheads in a ‘quiver’ plot were actually there.)
Note to MathWorks — It would be nice to be able to display horizontal error bars as well.