MATLAB: Error while reading image (.TIF)


I have attached the segment of the main code (.mat) and the necessary function (get_TIF_raw_data2D) in .m format
The image is in .TIF format. When i ran the program with the image in .SPE format before ,i got the output. The output is it reads intensity of each pixel in the image.
Now, i want to run the program in .TIF format. But if i run in .TIF format ,i am getting an error stating that "Error using reshape
To RESHAPE the number of elements must not change".
Do I need to make any changes while running in the function while running in .TIF format. Can anyone help me out to debug the function so that I could get the ouput while running in .TIF format also?
Do I need to change the number of bits in the function code? Please help me out.
Ci_temp = 'c_init_notip.TIF';
Ci = get_TIF_raw_data2D(Ci_temp);
clear Ci_temp;
Ci_d = double(Ci);
clear Ci;
Ci_avg = mean(Ci_d, 3);
function [extracted_data header] = get_TIF_raw_data2D(filename)
header = fread(fid,2050,'uint16=>uint16'); % 2050 uint16 = 4100 bytes = 32800 bits
Xdim = header(22); %raw_data_width %width as pixel number for each frame
Ydim = header(329); %raw_data_height % height as pixel number for each frame
Zdim = header(724); %
DataType = header(55);
if Zdim == 0
Zdim =1;
%Total_Size_XYZ = Xdim*Ydim*Zdim
switch DataType
case 0 % FLOATING POINT (4 bytes / 32 bits)
raw_data = fread(fid,inf,'float32=>float32');
case 1 % LONG INTEGER (4 bytes / 32 bits)
raw_data = fread(fid,inf,'int32=>int32');
case 2 % INTEGER (2 bytes / 16 bits)
raw_data = fread(fid,inf,'int16=>int16');
case 3 % UNSIGNED INTEGER (2 bytes / 16 bits)
raw_data = fread(fid,inf,'uint16=>uint16');
frame4view1 = reshape(raw_data,Xdim,Ydim,Zdim);
clear raw_data; %clear some memory
%permute the X and Y dimensions so that an image looks like in Winview
frame4view1 = permute(frame4view1,[2,1,3]);
extracted_data = frame4view1;

Best Answer

These are links to the questions answered by the community, which kind of relates to your issue.
Hope this helps! If the problem is not solved, I suggest attaching your tif file if possible.