MATLAB: How to input data from a .bin file into a 3D array


I have a .bin file which signifies the positions of lungs from CT imaging, in 3D size [128 128 128]. I am trying to upload it using fopen and fread but it only gives a single 2D image size [128 128 1].
My code:
fid = fopen('filedirectoryandname.bin')
image = fread(fid, [128 128 128], '*uint16')
I don't think fread can work wth [128 128 128] images. Is there another way?
I have also tried the function interfileread but apparently my .bin file isn't a valid interfile file.

Best Answer

You could read it into a vector and then reshape. E.g.,
image = fread(fid, 128*128*128, '*uint16');
image = reshape(image,128,128,128);