MATLAB: Error when using Global Majic Software Aircraft Instrument ActiveX Control library

activexaircraftblocksetcontrolerrorGauges Blocksetglobalguagesinstrumentlibrarylicensemajicsoftware

Why do I get a message that states “Your evaluation period has expired” when opening and simulating models that contain blocks from the Global Majic Software Aircraft Instrument ActiveX Control library?

Best Answer

A trial version of the Global Majic Software Aircraft Instrument ActiveX Control library is included with the Gauges Blockset.  When the trial period expires, a dialog box appears each time a model containing these blocks is loaded, refreshed, or simulated.  Since the full version of the Global Majic Software Aircraft Instrument ActiveX Control library is no longer sold, there is no way to remove this dialog box by purchasing the full version.
It is possible to remove the trial version of the Global Majic Software Aircraft Instrument ActiveX Control library from the Gauges Blockset library.  Before doing that, a back-up from the original Gauges Blockset library should be saved first.
Here are the steps:
1. Open MATLAB as an administrator
2. Open gauges_gmslib from the MATLAB command line
3. Make a back-up save of this library (e.g.gauges_gmslib_bak)
4. Unlock Library and delete the Sublibrary block "Demo Aircraft Instrument"
5. Save and close the Library
6. Restart MATLAB