MATLAB: Error when using ezplot


Hey, I'm trying to use ezplot to draw a plot with symbolic relations as follows:
and should draw with the range as following shows:
my code goes like follows:
syms x y t
x = 3*t/(1+t^3);
y = 3*t^2/(1+t^3);
a = x^3 + y^3 == 3*x*y
ezplot(a,[-2, 2, -3, 2])
but I got following erros:
Error using sym/ezplot>fhandle (line 115)
Two variables expected when plotting an equation.
Error in sym/ezplot (line 78)
h = ezplot(fhandle(f),varargin{:});%#ok<EZPLT>
Error in test10 (line 13)
ezplot(a,[-2, 2, -3, 2])
what's wrong with the code?

Best Answer

syms a(x,y)
a = x^3 + y^3 - 3*x*y == 0;
ezplot(lhs(a),[-2, 2, -3, 2])