MATLAB: Plotting Airy equation using matlab

airy equation solutionplotiing graphs

How can I plot the airy function?
code used
syms y(t)
dsolve(diff(y, 2) - t*y == 0)
ezplot(dsolve , [-2,2])
This is the error observed
ans =
C1*airy(0, t) + C2*airy(2, t)
Warning: Empty equation.
> In dsolve (line 205)
In B4 (line 5)
Unable to perform assignment because the left and right sides have a different number of elements.
Error in ezplotfeval/applyfun (line 76)
z(i) = feval(f,x(i));
Error in ezplotfeval (line 63)
z = applyfun(x);
Error in ezplot>ezplot1 (line 486)
[y, f, loopflag] = ezplotfeval(f, x);
Error in ezplot (line 158)
[hp, cax] = ezplot1(cax, f{1}, vars, labels, args{:});
Error in sym/ezplot (line 78)
h = ezplot(fhandle(f),varargin{:});%#ok<EZPLT>
Error in B4 (line 5)
ezplot(dsolve , [-2,2])

Best Answer

Here is one of the possible solution codes:
syms y(t)
D2y=diff(y, 2);
A=dsolve(D2y - t*y == 0, y(0)==1, Dy(0)==2);
ezplot(A, [-2, 2]); % or % fplot(A, [-2,2])
Note that to plot Airy function you'd need to specify the initial conditions.
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