MATLAB: Error when deriving class from mlreportgen.dom.Document super-class

MATLABmlreportgen.dom.documentreport generatorsuper-class

I'm on the R2010b version of MATLAB and I have the report generator and license (license test matlab_report_gen == 1). When I try to create a class using the super-class mlreportgen.dom.Document, I get the following error:
The specified super-class 'mlreportgen.dom.Document' contains a parse error or cannot be found on MATLAB's search path, possibly shadowed by another file with the same name.
I've tried using the example MATLAB code here but I run into the same error.

Best Answer

Solved previously by staff member Sean de Wolski, "... the DOM API was released in R2014b so you'll need to upgrade to that release or newer".