MATLAB: Error using Solve with inequality


Hi all,
I am facing a strange problem with using Solve with inequality.
Could you please help?

Best Answer

You did not follow the example carefully.
syms x
>> S = solve(x^2 - 4*x + 3 < 0,'returnconditions',true)
S =
struct with fields:
x: [2×1 sym]
parameters: [1×2 sym]
conditions: [2×1 sym]
>> S.conditions
ans =
1 < x & x < 3
in(y, 'real')
Note the use of returnconditions. Without that, it gives a solution, but not the interval that you desire. So if I drop that property, we get a solution. It is valid, as you say. But just a solution.
S = solve(x^2 - 4*x + 3 < 0)
S =