MATLAB: Is there a method for solving inequalities using the Symbolic Math Toolbox 5.6 (R2011a)

inequalitysolvesymbolicSymbolic Math Toolbox

I would like to find a range of "x" that satisfies the following inequality:
x^2 - 4*x + 3 < 0
resulting in, for example,
1 < x < 3

Best Answer

MuPad's SOLVE function can handle inequalities. For example, after typing 'mupad' at the command prompt to bring up the MuPAD window, type
solve(x^2 - 4*x + 3 < 0, x, Real)
The following is returned:
(1, 3)
By including the option "Real", MuPAD limits the solutions to real values of "x". You can exclude the option "Real" if you want to obtain complex solutions.