MATLAB: Error using save can’t write file


I have got this really strange error in matlab. When I try to run the command
I get the error message,
error using save can't write file
but when I try
everything works fine. The the variable takes some space on the workspace, 165MB, but the I would guess that the size should not be an issue here. Does anyone know why it does not work to save in "v7"?
For the one that want to confirm the size of the variable, I will add the "whos" information,
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
myName 1x1 173081921 struct
BR/ Patrik
The variable I try to save is a struct with plenty of fields. I have also tried to save a 3 dimensional matrix of size 800 mb which is larger, but goes through easily.

Best Answer

Some versions of the save function really don't react well to structures.