MATLAB: Saving file issue while trying to add variables


I was trying to add some variables to an existing .mat file, however the new variables were not added when I run all the script, but if I choose Run and Advance the variables are saved ok, even if I run the single line in the Command window that seems to be causing the issue everything is ok. Hope you can give me your advise.
filename = 'FJC_ISBe5_FJC_FC2772_Inactive_Fault';
mysave = [d,'\' ,filename];%%Save in this directory with this name
save(mysave,'-struct','p');%%Save from p variable
% tic;pause(10);toc;%% I add this pause thinking this could solve but didn't work
save(filename,'Active_Faults','Inactive_Faults','-append');%Add variables to existing file

Best Answer

You are saving to different files: