MATLAB: Error using interp1 on MATLAB R2015b for Mac

interp1 error

Hi! I am a newbie on matlab trying to interpolate temp & pressure profile data and its getting the error:
Error using griddedInterpolant
The coordinates of the input points must be finite values; Inf and NaN are not permitted.
Error in interp1 (line 161)
F = griddedInterpolant(X,V,method);
Error in RSatto (line 30)
pressI = interp1(A(~nanx),B(~nanx),x,'nearest','extrap');
This is my code:
clear; clc;
%cd /Users/Rosinha/Documents/GoBLE/Dados&Resultados/GoBLE-ATTO_RS-2015/ProfessoraRosa/ATTO/ATTO_alterados/ATTO;
%raw = dir('2015*.dat');
%x=(0:50:30000)'; %Intervalo usado para Interpolação
grd = 180 ./ 3.141593; rad = 3.141593 ./ 180;
%%Lendo arquivos *.dat
atto = load('201510311100.dat');
%%****** Formato *******
% alt(m) press(hPa) T(oC) RH(%) Td(oC) Tvi(oC) densidade(kg/m3) ff(m/s) dd(o)
% uvel(m/s) vvel(m/s)
alt = atto(:,1); %press = atto(:,2); T = atto(:,3); RH = atto(:,4);
%Td = atto(:,5); Tvi = atto(:,6); densidade = atto(:,7);
%ff = atto(:,8); dd = atto(:,9); uvel = atto(:,10); vvel = atto(:,11);
%%******* Interpolação *******************
x=(0:50:numel(alt))'; %intervalo de interpolação
C = unique(atto(:,1:2),'rows');
pressI = interp1(A(~nanx),B(~nanx),x,'nearest','extrap');
I typed "dbstop if naninf"and got the following msg:
NaN/Inf breakpoint hit for fullfile.p on line 28.
29 persistent fileSeparator;
29 persistent fileSeparator;
I have no idea what I'm doing wrong! Could someone help me? Thanks!

Best Answer

Your code is protecting against B being nan, but it is not protecting against A being nan, and is not protecting against inf on the input. I recommend changing
nanx = ~all(isfinite(C),2);