MATLAB: Error using Horzcat. Undefined function or variable ‘opaque’ for input arguements of type double.


I have a sim command which is calling my simulink model from my MATLAB script. The arguements are all assignin to the base workspace for the simulink model so it should be calling them ok.
However when trying to run the script I get the error:
Error evaluating expression '[list of inputs]' for 'Input' specified in the Configuration Parameters dialog for block diagram 'my model' : The following error occurred converting from double to opaque:
Error using horzcat
Undefined function 'opaque' for input arguements of type 'double'.

Best Answer

Try to Ctrl+D (update) your model or run the simulation of your model by click the "Run" button, Simulink will report the error regarding the particular block and you need to resolve the error first.