MATLAB: Do I receive a “Data type mismatch” error when using a data type other than double in the subsystem in Simulink 6.2 (R14SP2)


I have a subsystem into which I feed a integer signal. When I run my model, I receive the following error message:
Data type mismatch. Input port 1 of 'mini_model/Postprocessor' expects a signal of data type 'double'. However, it is driven by a signal of data type 'uint16'.
I set the Inport's data type in my subsystem to be uint16. However, I still receive the error message shown above.

Best Answer

This error message may be caused by the Fixed-Point settings for the subsystem, for example if the the "data type override" property is set to "True doubles".
To work around this issue, set the data type override to "use local settings".
You can open the Fixed-Point settings dialog from the context menu of your subsystem or from the "Tools" menu of the Simulink model.