MATLAB: Error using dicomread, file not found

dicom imagesdicomread

Am using dicom images in my project.
Currently trying to read in a series of dicom images into an array using dicomread but I keep getting these error.
Error using dicom_getFileDetails (line 14)
File "00100002.dcm" not found.
Error in dicomread>newDicomread (line 188)
fileDetails = dicom_getFileDetails(filename);
Error in dicomread (line 86)
[X, map, alpha, overlays] = newDicomread(msgname, frames, useVRHeuristic);
Error in Brain_Scannerv1 (line 20)
X(:,:,1,y) = uint16(dicomread(fileNames{y}));
side notes
the files don't have the .dcm extension so I have to add the extension to the filenames.
code below works for a folder containing dicom images but not all of them.
%%create filepath and find list of Dicom
folder_path = uigetdir;
dirOutput = dir(fullfile(folder_path));
fileNames = {};
file_num = length(fileNames); %get the number of dicom files.
ext = '.dcm';
for p = 1:file_num
fileNames(p) = strcat(fileNames(p),ext);
fileNames(:,[1, 2]) = []; % first 2 filenames don't have have an actual file so i clear the first 2 columns
file_num = length(fileNames);
%%read DICOM files
X = repmat(int16(0), [256 256 1 file_num]); %preallocate array to store files
for y=1:file_num
X(:,:,1,y) = uint16(dicomread(fileNames{y}));
Any help is appreciated

Best Answer

folder_path = uigetdir;
dirOutput = dir(folder_path);
dirOutput([dirOutput.isdir]) = [];
fileNames = fullfile(folder_path, {});
If a file does not have a .dcm extension, then dicomread() will not be able to read the file if you add the .dcm extension. You should leave out the code
ext = '.dcm';
for p = 1:file_num
fileNames(p) = strcat(fileNames(p),ext);
Note: you have
fileNames(:,[1, 2]) = []; % first 2 filenames don't have have an actual file so i clear the first 2 columns
which is not correct code because some files can sort before '.' and '..' . In the code above, the equivalent but more robust code is the one involving isdir
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