MATLAB: Error : unable to connect to host. sun.securi​ty.validat​or.Validat​orExceptio​n: PKIX path building failed: sun.securi​ty.provide​r.certpath​.SunCertPa​thBuilderE​xception: unable to find valid certification path to requested target


installation error matlab2019

Best Answer

The connection issue could be due to internal Certificate Authority’s configuration.
The following are some options to overcome the problem :
  • Whitelist the MathWorks domain : To whitelist the MathWorks domain, both and could be whitelisted within the network, so that the MATLAB installer can connect without additional certificates being appended. Speak with your network administrator to whitelist these domains.
  • Use a different certificate authority : Similarly, the second option suggests that you replace your self-signed certificates with a certificate that has been signed by a trusted authority. This option will likely have an additional cost. As of Java 7, update 11, Oracle trusts certificates from 79 locations, including Verisign, Digicert, Thawte, etc.
  • Bypass the proxy : If all else fails you can bypass the self-signed proxy. Your company may have a secondary network that doesn’t utilize the proxy, such a guest network or a mobile network. Alternatively you can take your machine off your companies network entirely and download the installer at home or some other public location.
You can also attempt the troubleshooting steps outlined in the link below
If you are unable to perform the above troubleshooting steps, please perform an offline installation. Note that an offline installation will require your License Administrator to provide you with the offline files
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