MATLAB: Error in mainOrient (line 56) LinearIndOfFPScale_i = sub2ind( [ Nrow, Nclmn ], row, clmn ); Error in demoASIFT (line 108)

image porcessing

sir i have downloaded ASIFT code from matlab file exchanger. the problem is it showing error sir, please help me to run that code. here i have mentioned errors"Error in mainOrient (line 56) LinearIndOfFPScale_i = sub2ind( [ Nrow, Nclmn ], row, clmn );
Error in demoASIFT (line 108) [ HrLOrntPoints ] = mainOrient( HrLPointsTmp1, imgSimulated, ThreshMainOrient, FactorMainOrient, "
if true
% sub2ind
function ndx = sub2ind(siz,v1,v2,varargin)
siz = double(siz);
lensiz = length(siz);
if lensiz < 2
numOfIndInput = nargin-1; if lensiz < numOfIndInput %Adjust for trailing singleton dimensions siz = [siz, ones(1,numOfIndInput-lensiz)]; elseif lensiz > numOfIndInput %Adjust for linear indexing on last element siz = [siz(1:numOfIndInput-1), prod(siz(numOfIndInput:end))]; end
if any(min(v1(:)) < 1) any(max(v1(:)) > siz(1)) %Verify subscripts are within range error(message('MATLAB:sub2ind:IndexOutOfRange')); end
ndx = double(v1); s = size(v1); if numOfIndInput >= 2 if ~isequal(s,size(v2)) %Verify sizes of subscripts error(message('MATLAB:sub2ind:SubscriptVectorSize')); end if any(min(v2(:)) < 1) any(max(v2(:)) > siz(2)) %Verify subscripts are within range error(message('MATLAB:sub2ind:IndexOutOfRange')); end %Compute linear indices ndx = ndx + (double(v2) – 1).*siz(1); end
if numOfIndInput > 2 %Compute linear indices k = cumprod(siz); for i = 3:numOfIndInput v = varargin{i-2}; %%Input checking if ~isequal(s,size(v)) %Verify sizes of subscripts error(message('MATLAB:sub2ind:SubscriptVectorSize')); end if (any(min(v(:)) < 1)) (any(max(v(:)) > siz(i))) %Verify subscripts are within range error(message('MATLAB:sub2ind:IndexOutOfRange')); end ndx = ndx + (double(v)-1)*k(i-1); end end %% mainorentation.m function [ HrLOrntPoints ] = mainOrient( HrLPoints, img, Thresh, Factor, AngleBin, TypeOfMainOrient, SwitchWaitbars ) img = double(img); %———– Defining edges for histogram ————-% Edges4Hist = 0:AngleBin:360; if Edges4Hist( end ) ~= 360 Edges4Hist( end + 1 ) = 360; end % defining number of bins NOfBins = ceil( 360/AngleBin );
% finding range of scales Scales = unique( HrLPoints( :, 3 ) ); NOfScales = length( Scales );
%——————- Padding image ——————–% % scalar 3, is good becuase I'm taking patch of size 3*scale to each direction from FP Paddvalue = max( Scales ); Paddvalue = ceil( 3*Paddvalue ); img = padarray( img, [ Paddvalue Paddvalue ], 'symmetric' );
%——————- Shifting coordinates ——————–% HrLPoints( :, [ 1 2 4 5 ] ) = HrLPoints( :, [ 1 2 4 5 ] ) + Paddvalue;
[ Nrow, Nclmn ] = size(img);
% N = size(HrLPoints,1); HrLOrntPoints = zeros(0,6);
if strcmp( SwitchWaitbars, 'on' ) h = waitbar(0,'Calculating main orientations:'); end for i = 1:NOfScales
scale = Scales(i);
% defining linear indexes of elements in patch of size according to
% given sigma/Scales(i), near coord ( 0, 0 ).
win0ind = win2ind( Nrow, Nclmn, ceil( 3*scale ) );
% number of elements in each patch
sz = length( win0ind );
IndOfFP = find( HrLPoints( :, 3 ) == scale );
if ~isempty( IndOfFP )
row = round(HrLPoints( :, 4 )); clmn = round(HrLPoints( :, 5 ));
row = row( IndOfFP ); clmn = clmn( IndOfFP );
LinearIndOfFPScale_i = sub2ind( [ Nrow, Nclmn ], row, clmn );
NofFPScale_i = length( LinearIndOfFPScale_i );
% indexes shift for histc.m, in order that each patch/region of FP
% will be count separately
IndexShiftBins4Accum = NOfBins*(0:1:(NofFPScale_i-1));
IndexShiftBins4Accum = repmat( IndexShiftBins4Accum, sz, 1 );
IndexShiftBins4Accum = IndexShiftBins4Accum(:);
%—————— Derivative mask ——————-% x = -ceil(3*scale):ceil(3*scale); [ X, Y ] = meshgrid(x,x); dGdx = -X .* exp(-( X.*X + Y.*Y )/(2*scale*scale)) ./ ((scale^4)*(2*pi));
%——————– Derivatives ———————% % 'normalized' % Ix = scale*(imfilter(img, dGdx, 'same')); % Iy = scale*(imfilter(img, dGdx', 'same')); % not normalized – no point in normalization, won't influence the % accumulation support of directions. Ix = imfilter(img, dGdx, 'same'); Iy = imfilter(img, dGdx', 'same');
%—————– Norm of gradients ——————% gradient_norm = sqrt(Ix.^2 + Iy.^2);
%------------- Avaraging norm gradients --------------%
g = fspecial('gaussian',max(1,fix(6*scale*Factor +1)), scale*Factor);
gradient_norm = imfilter(gradient_norm, g, 'same');
%—————– Angles of gradients —————-% gradient_angles = rad2deg( atan2( Iy, Ix ) + pi );
%—————- Combining all indexes —————% % for FP IndOfFP(i), indexes of elements in patch near it are accomulated in % column AllIndexes() AllIndexes = repmat( win0ind(:), 1, NofFPScale_i ) + repmat( (LinearIndOfFPScale_i(:))', sz, 1 );
%—————— Combining all data —————-% AllNorms = gradient_norm( AllIndexes ); AllAngles = gradient_angles( AllIndexes );
%————– Assigning angles 2 bins —————% [ n, AngleBins ] = histc( AllAngles(:), Edges4Hist );
%—————- Shifting angle bins —————–% AngleBinsShifted = AngleBins + IndexShiftBins4Accum;
%——– Accumulating norms 2 according bins ———% AssignedNorms = accumarray( AngleBinsShifted, AllNorms(:), [ NOfBins*NofFPScale_i, 1 ] ); % reshaping it back, so each column corresponds to different FP AssignedNorms = reshape( AssignedNorms, NOfBins, NofFPScale_i );
%—————— Finding maximums ——————% [ mx IndOfBinOfMainOrient ] = max( AssignedNorms );
%————— Thresholding maximums —————-% MxMtr = repmat( mx*Thresh, NOfBins, 1 ); % taking maximum value ony if it the only one that bigger then Thrsh*( it's value ) switch TypeOfMainOrient case 'some' [ IndOfAngleBin IndexFP ] = find( MxMtr <= AssignedNorms );
case 'one'
IndexFP = find( sum(MxMtr <= AssignedNorms) == 1 );
IndOfAngleBin = IndOfBinOfMainOrient( IndexFP );
% indexes in HrLPoints of FP with MO
IndOfFP = IndOfFP( IndexFP );
%—————- Assigning values /'max' ————-% MainOrientations = AngleBin*IndOfAngleBin; len = length(MainOrientations); if len HrLOrntPoints( (end + 1):(end + len), : ) = [ HrLPoints(IndOfFP, :), MainOrientations(:) ]; end end if strcmp( SwitchWaitbars, 'on' ) waitbar(i/NOfScales) end end if strcmp( SwitchWaitbars, 'on' ) close(h); end
HrLOrntPoints( :, [ 1 2 4 5 ] ) = HrLOrntPoints( :, [ 1 2 4 5 ] ) – Paddvalue; end sir please help me sir

Best Answer

Hello Vani,
Seems like Walter has answered your question here:
If this does not help, I would recommend contacting the author of the file exchange submission.