MATLAB: Error: “Difference order N must be a positive integer scalar” when called symbolic gradient function


In my program, I first use command jacobian generate a symbolic gradient of my objective function.Then I call the function(gradient.m) and feed it with numeric value. But Matlab warned me like
Warning: Function "diff" is not verified to be a valid MATLAB
Warning: Function "diff" is not verified to be a valid
MATLAB function.
Warning: Function "diff" is not verified to be a valid
MATLAB function.
Error using diff
Difference order N must be a positive integer scalar.
Error in gradient (line 10)
t4 = diff(t2,B1);
Error in mini_dist_noheter (line 60)
dfb = gradient(b(1),b(2),b(3));
The gradient function file, main file and data see the attachment.

Best Answer

You appear to have a problem with your MATLAB path. I suggest using
and seeing if that helps.